Friday 18 November 2011

Printed Infographics

 Before I printed my infographics onto acetate I did a test run onto normal inkjet paper to check the layout was correct and all my images where in the correct places for when I cut them into their individual sections.
I got the acetate I was going to print on from the library, I am printing my infographics onto A4 pieces of acetate and them trimming them all down into A6, I didn't know how the colours would come out on the acetate, but if you look below you will see...

The colours came out how I wanted and I am really pleased overall with how they printed really. I am going to take these sections and connect them with metals rings so it can be folded and unfolded. After priniting onto acetate it gives me a clearer example of how my infographics would would being printed on a plastic material.

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