Monday 30 April 2012

Project Rationale

After re-writing my brief a few times I have come up with my project rationale,
I am happy with the direction my brief is going in and hopefully after tomorrows
concept crit I'll have a strong ideas of how to push forward.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Brief Writing

Before our workshop the other day this is all I had come up with when I wrote my brief but the workshop really made me focus and make decisions. I also spend too long making decisions in briefs so I have decided to get my idea and start moving forwards.

This is my new version of my brief, with a more specific focus, I am now going to gather so research for my concept crit on Tuesday to back up my ideas.

Brief Writing Workshop


Wednesday 25 April 2012

Annotating Briefs

I have annotated the 4 existing briefs I have looked at. I looked at them in relation to personal and practical skills, processes, products and context.

I have also written 5 reasons why I have chosen each brief,

Dreamweaver Workshop-Session 2

-Adobe Dreamweaver

-Today we are going to look at HTML which is the language that is used within web design.

-HTML Tags
html- telling the web browser you are going to start talking in html, open html.
/html- close html
Anything between these two tags is visible on the website
title- put the title between these two tags
head- anything in the head tags cannot be seen in the design of the website

-Correct Tag Order



-Always work in lower case and avoid using spaces or numbers.

-You can view the source of most websites, we are looking at different websites to see what tags they use within the html,



-You have to create a route folder to work from, every website has one, it has to be named all in lower case with no spaces.
And within that a sub folder named images,

 -Create new html,

-There are 3 different views,

-To set up your site you need to point Dreamweaver in the direction of the route folder you have set up.

-To set it up live on the internet you go to server,

-If it has worked there it will show up your route folder in the bottom right hand of the screen,

-When we save it we save it as index, not home.

-To test website click the globe,

-To change the name and body text of the website you type it into the html on Dreamweaver and re-save your work and it should show up,

-CSS is a different coding language to html.

-To add attributes to CSS you type body then add a {

-Type a ; to close attribute.

-You then need to save it and link it to your html code.

 -When you refresh your web page the changes should show up.


-alt + 3= hash tag which is a DIV id
You use this to define the background size and colour

-DIV id for navigation bar,

-When working on website add colour to see if it works.

- We create a space for the logo

-Go onto Photoshop to create logo, if you put it on a transparent background it will use the background colour you set on dreamweaver.

-You can type out instructions which don't show up or effects the website design

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Brief Writing Workshop

Today we had a workshop with Fred, getting us prepared to write our own briefs.
We had to think of 5 reasons why we want to do something, why we need to and why we are doing them, these 3 questions will make up our rationale.

We also had to expand on personal and practical skills we want to develop,
processes we want to use, products we want to make and the context of our work.
For Thursday we need to analyse the briefs we have picked to look at and 5 reasons
why we chose each brief and then go on to write our own brief based on these and our rationale.
These are the briefs I have chosen,