Tuesday 31 January 2012


This week in image we have to create an eye chart out of a certain image, my image is bottles, I have started this process byt doing some brainstorming, I have also been looking at this book for some nifty looking bottles.

Title Sequence...Timeline

I have made timeline my storyboard for my title sequence, to get  a sense of pace and timings. I don't have a wall anywhere big enough in my house to spread it out across a wall so I have kept it to this format.
Each line represents 10 seconds of the animation, I have timed for each different name to take up 5 seconds of the title sequence and for the last 10 seconds to be for the title, channel, time and date.

Title Sequence...Storyboards

These are my initial storyboards for my 60 second title sequence, I am going to apply these to a timeline so I can show pace and timings of the movements.

Ident 4

Ident 3

Ident 3...Assets

To start gathering my assets for my 3rd ident I used the layered cutout pattern names as a start point, I then cut them out on Photoshop and put them into a new file,

  I imported these files as Footage files into After Effects to animate acorss the screen, changing the scale as they move across.

Ident 2

This is my second ident, also using the same soundtrack from before but a different section of the song,

Ident 1...With Sound

This is my final ident, complete with sound which it was missing before.

Ident 2...The Making

My second ident I am working on is when the pattern forms by parts of it fading into shot, I worked with the pattern in Photoshop, selecting a section at a time and importing it into After Effects,

I imported each part of the pattern into After Effects and animated them individually, changing the opacity to create the fade in effect,

The title, day, time and channel will also fade in at the end of the sequence.

Monday 30 January 2012

Title Sequence...Initial Storyboard

This is a brief initial storyboard for my title sequence, this is my main
 idea that I am going to take forward, I am going to storyboard in
 further detail and also timeline my storyboards.

Ident 1

This is my first ident, the sound still needs to be added but this is the overall movement of the piece,

When I first rendered my animation out it wasn't playing properly on Quick Time, it was because I hadn't changed the render settings from animation to H.264,

I am going to add my music into the ident which is Swing by Zero 7 and re-render the animation.

Ident 1...Assets

These are the assets I have created to use for my first ident, they are scanned images which are going to be flashing between each different one in the ident, with the title and channel flashing up at the end.

Friday 27 January 2012

Ident Timelines

I have put my storyboards for each of my idents onto a timeline to show 
pace and to work out for myself how long each shot of my idents will last.
I am going to try and work to these timelines when creating my idents
 however once I start animating things could change.

Idents...Final Storyboards

These are the storyboards for my 4 final ideas for my idents, I have started to make the visuals to use already by scanning and Photoshop, i"ll start making them move in After Effects tomorrow.

Thursday 26 January 2012


We have all been given a word and we have to represent that word in a format of an eye chart, my word is,

Type as Image...Crit Feeback


This is the feedback I got in response to my 3 A1 type ad image posters.

After Effects Seminar

We had an After Effects seminar with Lorraine and she went over some points,
she looked at making compositions within compositions and organising
our folders.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Many Many Friends Online

This is one of the three final outcomes for my Image brief.

A million, a billion and a trillion.

Type As Image...Idea 3

For my final quote I chose 'Many Many Friends Online' from the Facebook relationships article,
I want to look at the idea of connections and how we all connect together from our Facebook friends
on a network.
I looked at stitching into paper as it creates a network that connects words to words,

I worked with blue thread when connecting the letters to represent the blue of Facebook and I also based the typeface on Facebooks font.

Ident Storyboards

These are my 4 ident storyboards, these are the 4 ideas I am going to work with,
 I am going to timeline them and then start designing on After Affects.

Interim Evalutaion

We were given this sheet to fill in to asses how we think we are 
progressing in this brief so far and also an action plan to fill in in response to it,

As We Grow Older

This is my final outcome for the quote 'As we grow older', I decided to print onto acetate,
leaving the bits I wanted to be brown clear so the brown paper made up the rest of the image

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Type As Image...Idea 2

The second quote I have chosen is 'As we grow older' from the doctor doctor article,
I have looked at the idea of a tree grow, trees grow for hundreds of years and I
 wanted to use this analogy for my type as image.

These are my initial ideas I am working on, working on Illustrator with my graphics tab,
I am going to work with the idea of printing onto brown paper,
making the text and trunk of the tree brown and printing the green of 
the tree over it.

Type As Image...Idea 1

My first quote I chose from the 'This article will change your life' article is 'Million, a Billion and a Trillion' 
For this poster I am going to screen print, this is my initial idea/image I am going to use,

I am going to experiment with black/gold/white colour scheme, 
working with the idea of money and wealth and looking at using metallic paints to print with.

After Effects Workshop 5

Today we are going to look at

  If you select all layers and press U it shows all the properties have been applied to it.
Acceleration and deceleration 

 To accelerate an objects movement you select the key frame, go to animation > key frame assistant > easy ease out

The key frame then turns into an arrow.
It moves at a slower rate but ends at the same time as the other layers.

To make an object ease in and out select both key frames.

Select easy ease.

You can view the timeline as a graph

The horizontal line indicates constant speed.

You can select key frames in the graph view like in the timeline

If you move the handles you can manipulate the speed

On the buttons along the bottom of the graph, make sure the second button has edit speed graph selected

Swinging Pendulum

By clicking the layer then double clicking the ellipse tool we create a circular mask.

Use the pan behind too to move the pendulum,

We are going to use the rotation property to move it 

if we add three key frames then apply easy ease it swings as if applied to gravity.

Parent and Child Relationship between layers

All layers group to the parent layer, they all share the anchor point of the parent layer. The child will always goes where the parent goes.
You can still apply individual movements to the child layers
If you change the opacity of the parent layer it doesn't change the child layers opacity.

Select the red solid as the wheels parents

Nested Compositions

Its the way you can out one composition inside another.

Select all layers and click pre compose.

It puts all the layers into one composition/layer.

If you open the new composition and makes changes, it will change in the original composition, 

They are linked together.

The Collapse transformations tool lets you see everything that is going on from your original composition.

The best files to work with are AIFF or WAV.
If you need to convert audio file open with quick time player 7 then go file, export and you can change the sound file format.

When you render make sure you check audio output in output settings.